Volunteer Powered

Hello everyone! Our 24-25 Youth Climbing comps are now well under way.

We are headed into the busiest part of the season with several weeks of competition in rapid succession, starting with OCF Speed Provincials for all categories this coming weekend and then quickly followed by boulder comps for B/A/Jr and then E/D/C in the subsequent weekends.

It’s exciting. But it’s also very volunteer intensive. Which is to say we need a lot of help to make these comps happen. We need your help.

You are most likely the parent of a young climber, many of our current board members and active volunteers are (and many, many, many more who’ve helped to keep competitions and the OCF going over the years were also).

Or you might be a sibling or fellow youth climber who needs volunteer hours for high school (yes, we can do that).

Or you might just be someone who is passionate about and wants to support climbing.

No matter who, you can start with the CEC Judge e-learning module online https://climbingcanada.ca/e-learning/ It’s free, quick and easy.

And then we’ll pair you up with a more experienced judge the first time just to make life extra easy.

And rest assured, we always do our best to make sure you can watch your family member climb if that is of concern.

(In the case of limited spectator space such as the B/A/Jr comp at Reach, this might be your best chance to a front row seat).

We rely so heavily on many of the same dedicated people comp after comp, but they can’t do everything. New volunteers are the lifeblood of a small, completely volunteer run not-for-profit organization such as the OCF.

And beyond judging there are, of course, other roles we need help with for every competition. But the fact is we need new people to step up and help.

We post open needs to our SignUp page the upcoming ones can be found here:

(and if you just want to find out more reach out to volunteer@climbontario.ca)

Feb 1 - Youth E/D/C  Boulder - Sign up here!


Youth B/A/Jr Boulder Qualifier #2 Cancelled


Youth Season Progress Update