E/D/C Boulder Local

Update on Wednesday, March 23:
-final schedule
-quotas for finals
-link to purchase spectator tickets.


  • Saturday, March 26, 2022

  • Climber’s Rock, 5155 Harvester Rd, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 6V2

  • www.climbersrock.com 


  • Youth E, Youth D, and Youth C athletes 

  • Please see our website for more information on our age categories.


  • Registration is now closed.

  • Registration is now open at https://member.climbontario.ca.  

  • The registration deadline is Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 5:00 PM.

  • Registration instructions:

    1. Purchase Membership - select Competitive or Recreational Membership

      • Youth E should register as Recreational Members.

      • Youth C and Youth D may register as either Recreational or Competitive Members. 

      • Only Competitive Members are eligible for the Final Round at the competition (Youth C only), for Series Points, and for Provincials.

    2. Sign Waivers

    3. Register for the Competition 


  • Signup to help at https://signup.com/go/oMBOyOM!

  • Volunteering at competitions is a great way to get involved and support our great community. For this competition, we’re looking for judges and a couple of volunteers to help with the Finals Round.

  • If you’ve never judged before but want to learn, please contact our Chief Judge who will set you up with training before the comp and pair you with an experienced judge.


  • Everyone entering the gym must have a current facility waiver on file. This includes athletes, coaches, spectators, volunteers and officials. Visitors under the age of 18 must have their waiver completed and signed by their own parent or court-appointed legal guardian.

  • Climber’s Rock has a new gym management system (as of July 2021), so you will need to complete a new waiver unless you have been to the gym recently.

  • Here is a link to the online waiver: https://www.climbersrock.com/welcome/waiver

  • Please complete your waiver(s) before the competition to help make check-in more efficient.


  • Everyone 12 years and older entering the gym must be fully vaccinated.

  • Masks must be worn by everyone at all times. 

  • The OCF’s COVID-19 Protocol for the 2021/2022 season can be found here.


  • Parking is available in front and along the west side of the Climber’s Rock building. Overflow parking is available to the east. Please abide by all posted parking signs and instructions!

  • Here is a helpful map: https://www.climbersrock.com/parking


  • Spectators are welcome to attend Sessions 1, 2 and 3, which will be held in the main gym area. 

  • Only 1 spectator per athlete will be allowed for the Final Round, which will be held in the Boulder Lab. 

  • There will be a $5 charge per spectator.

  • Spectators are encouraged to purchase a ticket for qualifiers online before they arrive at the gym: https://climbersrock.portal.approach.app/event/317/booking/6366


  • Only OCF certified coaches will be given coaching credentials for this event.

  • Only 1 coach per athlete will be allowed for the Final Round, which will be held in the Boulder Lab.

  • Please see our website for additional information on how to become a certified coach.


  • The competition will be a judged scramble format. 

  • There will be approximately 30 problems for competitors to choose from. 

  • Each competitor may attempt whichever problems they want, in any order they want, with a maximum 8 attempts on any problem. Each attempt will reduce the value of that problem by a small amount. Each competitor will be allowed to make only one attempt at a time on a problem, unless no other competitors are waiting for a turn. 

  • Competitors will be ranked based on their 5 highest value Tops. 

  • Competitive Youth C athletes may advance to the Final Round on Saturday afternoon. The quota to Finals for Youth C is based on the size of each category (a sliding scale), with between 6 and 12 competitors advancing to finals.

  • based on registration, the quota to Finals will be 7 for Youth C Male and 8 for Youth C Female

  • The Final Round will be ISO/Onsight format with 4 problems, with 5 min of climbing per problem.

  • Note: Athletes in the Final Round will start one at a time alternating M/F/M/F so each gender has 10 minutes between each athlete and only one gender is on the wall at a time.

  • Please see our rules for additional information.


07:15 - Check in starts for Session 1 (main gym entrance)
08:00 - 10:00 Session 1, main gym
09:00 - Check in starts for Session 2 (west side entrance)
10:00 - 12:00 Session 2, main gym
11:00 - Check in starts for Session 3 (west side entrance)
12:00 - 14:00 Session 3, main gym
13:30 - ISO opens for Youth C Finalists (west side entrance)
14:00 - ISO closes for Youth C Finalists, athletes moved to main gym
14:30 - Youth C Final Round in boulder lab
17:20 - Climbing finishes for Final Round


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@climbontario.ca with any questions.


D/C/B/A/JR/Adult/Senior Speed Provincials


Senior Difficulty Provincials & B/A/JR Difficulty Local