Registration is now closed.
Running Orders
Session 1 – Youth D/C
8:00 am: Check in and pre comp warm-up
9:00 am: Competitor briefing Followed by: Practice Round Qualification Round Final Round Awards
Session 2 – Youth B, Youth A, Junior, Adult, Senior & Recreational (new category)
Noon: Check in and pre comp warm-up
1:00 pm: Competitor briefing Followed by: Practice Round Qualification Round Final Round Awards
Estimated finish: 4:30pm
Please ensure you have an up-to-date waiver* for everyone entering the facility before the time of check-in. Additionally, all climbers over 12 will require a Facility Introduction Form. (*note Hub’s waivers expire after 18 months)
We are still looking for a few volunteers to make this event as good as it can be. We especially need people who have previously climbed at Hub (though it isn’t essential) to help clip athletes in.