Senior Provincials @Up the Bloc information is here!
This event is open to those born in 2008 and earlier.
Qualifiers will be an isolation format (5 on/5 off) with a Parade finals format.
Please sign up here to help judge! We are a 100% volunteer-run organization and can’t run competitions without your help.
UPDATED Schedule:
7:00 am ISO opens for men and women
8:00 am ISO closes
8:30 am. Technical meeting
9:00 am Qualifiers starts for men and women
12:15 pm Qualifiers ends for men and women
12:15 pm- 1:50 pm Gym closed for turnover
1:20 pm ISO opens for finals for men and women
1:50 pm ISO CLOSES
2:05 pm Technical meeting
2:20 pm Athlete presentation
2:50 pm Finals starts for men and women
5:00 pm Awards
Please ensure your waiver is up to date with Up the Bloc!