B/A/JR Youth Boulder & Difficulty Nationals

This event is organized by Climbing Escalade Canada. Visit their Event Central page for more information.


CEC has allocated the OCF twelve (12) spots per category for each of Youth Boulder Nationals and Youth Lead Nationals. We are filling our quotas according to our Selection Policy, which takes into account performance at the Local and Provincial events in each discipline.

The top 12 athletes in each category have automatically qualified for Youth Boulder Nationals. If athletes in the top 12 decline their spot, we will allocate unused quota to the next athlete(s) in the ranking.

2021/2022 OCF Season Boulder Rankings

Junior Female
Junior Male
Youth A Female
Youth A Male
Youth B Female
Youth B Male

2021/2022 OCF Season Difficulty Rankings

Junior Female
Junior Male
Youth A Female
Youth A Male
Youth B Female
Youth B Male

Instructions for Qualified Athletes

Qualified athletes will be notified by email.

If you are not planning to take your spot, please let us know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE at info@climbontario.ca so that we can allocate your spot to the next athlete in the ranking.

Registration instructions:

  1. Purchase a CEC membership, sign a waiver and pay for the competition(s)
    a) go to the CEC Membership Portal (https://member.climbingcanada.ca/)
    b) log in or register for a new athlete account
    c) purchase a 2021-2022 CEC Athlete License
    d) sign a 2021-2022 Event Waiver
    e) apply and pay for the competition(s)

  2. Create an account on Vertical Life (CEC’s results service) if you do not have an account already
    a) go to https://cec.results.info/users/login
    b) select “Apply for Athlete Account” and follow the instructions

    The registration deadline for athletes is Thursday May 5, 2022.

Please note:

  • If you have qualified for both Youth Boulder Nationals and Youth Lead Nationals, you will need to apply and pay for BOTH competitions separately.

  • The CEC registration site looks like the OCF registration site, but it is a completely separate system that requires a separate account/ username/ password.

  • Once you apply for the competition, your application will remain pending until it is accepted by CEC. This is normal. CEC typically waits to accept all applications at once after registration closes.

Instructions for Coaches

  1. Register for the competition via this form: https://forms.gle/zD8Wt9zW17xCZcQJA
    Note: you must be an OCF-certified coach in order to register as an Ontario coach.

  2. Purchase your 2021-2022 CEC Coach License at https://member.climbingcanada.ca/

    The registration deadline for coaches is Wednesday May 11, 2022.


B/A/JR Speed Nationals


D/C/B/A/JR Difficulty Provincials